USA: Nul fødevarehjælp til Nordkorea

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USA stopper fødevarehjælp til Nordkorea som straf for at Nordkorea insisterer på affyring af en raket i april. Nordkorea hævder, at raketten er til videnskabelige formål. USA og flere af Nordkoreas nabolande ser det som en test af et langtrækkende missil, som strider mod en aftale om nul raketter til gengæld for mad.

The US has confirmed it has suspended planned food aid to North Korea, writes BBC online Wednesday.

The decision comes after Pyongyang announced a new rocket launch, which the United States says breaks the terms of a deal agreed in february.

Under the deal signed in February, North Korea agreed to a partial freeze in nuclear activities and a missile test moratorium in return for US food aid.

North Korea claims the launch – which is scheduled for between April 12-16 – is only a satellite and is for scientific purposes.

But the US and North Korea’s neighbours insist it will be a long-range missile test, breaking the terms of last month’s agreement.