Verdenskonference om tobakskontrol


The 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) will take place 8-12 March 2009 in Mumbai, India, writes WHO on its website.

The conference, which has been organized every three years since the mid-1960s, will gather tobacco control researchers, activists and leaders. WHOs Tobacco Free Initiative will participate.

This year the conference will focus on the theme of multi-sectoral approach to tobacco control. It will specifically consider the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which came into force in 2005 and currently has 161 parties.

Other topics for discussion will include:

– health warnings on packages of tobacco
– women and tobacco
– tobaccos aggravation of the global tuberculosis epidemic
– challenges in the enforcement of tobacco control laws.

The large majority of smoke-related deaths are now to be found in the developing world.

The Indian hosts are launching the conference under the motto “The worlds largest tobacco control event comes to the worlds largest democracy”.

Former World Conferences on the topic have been hosted in the United States, UK, Sweden, Canada, Japan, Australia, Argentina, France, China, and Finland.

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