2 millioner ramt af oversvømmelser i Sindh-provinsen i Pakistan

Forfatter billede

Snart behov for international udrykning efter heftig regn på det seneste – også andre dele af landet ramt

KARACHI, 5 September 2011 (IRIN): Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh is facing disaster once more with heavy rains over the past five days, according to the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA).

– Two million people in 15 out of 23 districts have been affected, PDMA Director of Operations Sajjad Haider told IRIN. He also said crops had been devastated.

Eighty-five people are reported to have died and provincial authorities have announced disaster relief measures, including compensation packages for victims. Haider said crops had been devastated.

A local official in Badin District in southern Sindh, who asked not to be named, said: – The international humanitarian agencies are likely to be called in soon.

– My sugarcane crop, which was ready for harvesting, has been lost. I am still recovering from last year’s losses of crops and livestock. Who knows what will happen now, said Majeed-ud-Din (40) from his village in Khairpur, one of the worst-hit districts.

Haider said most deaths had been caused by collapsing houses or electrocution, and troops had been asked to “stand by”.

The Sindh chief minister has visited the affected areas and funds have been released for rescue and rehabilitation work.

While the monsoon season runs from July to September, rains are generally heaviest in July and August. For now the Meteorological Office is continuing to predict further rains across most parts of the country.

Other regions affected

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