Ny landedirektør for MS i Mozambique

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Ulla Strøbech bliver medio marts ny landedirektør for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes kontor i Mozambique.

Ulla Strøbech, som er uddannet cand.mag. og har en fortid som gymnasielærer, har en lang historie med Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. 2001-2006 besad hun posten som landedirektør for MS-Uganda, og vender altså nu efter et kort ophold i Danmark tilbage til Afrika.

Mozambique er ikke ukendt land for Ulla Strøbech, idet hun allerede i 1991 indtog sin første post som landedirektør i MS-systemet – i Mozambique.

Locationen bliver dog en anden end dengang; MS-kontoret flytter nemlig fra Nampula i nord til hovedstaden Maputo i syd. Det sker for at øge mulighederne for at drive fortalervirksomhed for fattige og udsatte grupper, skabe netværk og funding.

Ulla Strøbech afløser Rie Holmes, der skal arbejde som Program Officer for FNs frivilligprogram (UNV) i Sydafrika.

Mere om MS-programmet i Mozambique:

The MS Programme in Mozambique started in 1981 with a government agreement signed in 1984. Presently MS Mozambique cooperates with 14 partner organisations in the two Northern provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado plus a few strategic partners in Maputo. The partners are mainly from Civil Society Organisations. The state institution partners will be phased out in 2007.

12 Development Workers, both North DWs and South DWs (from Brazil) are currently working with partners. The detailed status of the MS Mozambique programme is presented in the annual report for Ms Mozambique 2005.

The MS Mozambique programme will initiate the process of revising its Country Programme Strategy (CPS) and one of the main tasks in 2007 will be the elaboration of the new CPS in line with the overall MS democracy focus.

The Country Office in Nampula is expected to be moved to the capital Maputo during June/July 2007. Some of the CO staff will move with the CO, while a few will stay in Nampula to attend to the remaining partners and the HIV/Aids project.

The annual budget of the MS Mozambique programme is approx. 7,3 mio. DKR for 2007 from MSiS funds (Danida) and additional approx. 2 mio. DKR from Danidas fund for innovative HIV/Aids projects.