John Kerry vil genindsætte USAs bidrag til FNs Befolkningsfond (som Bush-regeringen har taget)

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

I en udtalelse fra den demokratiske præsidentkandidat, John Kerry, i anledning af 10-årsdagen torsdag for Befolkningskonferencen i Kairo, gør han gældende, at han vil genoptage den amerikanske støtte til FNs Befolkningsfond, UNFPA, som Bush-regeringen har standset på grund af frygt for, at pengene vil gå til abort-bekæmpelse.

Her udtalelsen i sin helhed:

Statement from John Kerry in Support of the Rights of Women and Families Around the World

“We must do more to address the needs of women, to ensure they and their children live healthy lives.”

“Ten years ago, I joined a bipartisan delegation from the U.S. Congress to attend the meeting of governments in Cairo, Egypt to discuss the pressing health and development challenges facing the world. The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development brought together 179 diverse nations with different cultures, religions and traditions in a shared promise to improve the health of families and promote global development.

“On the 10th anniversary of that historic conference, we recognize that the world has transformed since then. We have seen some notable improvements in global health and womens empowerment, but women continue to face serious challenges, such as intolerably high rates of maternal mortality, rising obstacles to family planning services, and the HIV/AIDS pandemic which affects tens of millions around the world.

“We must do more to address the needs of women, to ensure they and their children live healthy lives. As president, I will reaffirm Americas leading role in the fight for the rights of women around the world.

I will repeal burdensome restrictions on family planning, restore U.S. funding to United Nations Population Fund, and double U.S. funding to fight AIDS. Today, I commend the hundreds of world leaders and advocates who have committed their continued support for the goals set at the Cairo conference in 1994.”

Kilde: www. PLANetWIRE. org