These new DIIS publications are now online available at
Mediterranean Transit Migration
Edited by Ninna Nyberg Sørensen, DIIS Book:
Samtænkning – modstand og muligheder
Nicolas T. Veicherts, DIIS Report:
Denne publikation indgår i de Forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitiske Studier. Projektet, der er finansieret af Forsvarsministeriet, blev påbegyndt i 2000 og løber frem til 2009.
Religion and conflict in Africa with a special focus on East Africa
Bjørn Møller, DIIS Report:
This publication is part of DIISes Defence and Security Studies project which is funded by a grant from the Danish Ministry of Defence.
From Soldier to Civilian: Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration in Afghanistan
Peter Dahl Thruelsen, DIIS Report:
This report is a result of the ongoing research cooperation between The Royal Danish Defence College and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). The report is published as part of Defence and Security Studies Research Programme at DIIS, which is funded by the Danish Ministry of Defence.
Jacob Fræmohs, Information officer, Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS, Strandgade 56, 1401 Copenhagen K. E-mail: [email protected], Tel. 32 69 89 39.