NGOer på plads i katastrofearbejdet i Burma med lokal stab


Local aid-agency staff step into the breach

BANGKOK, 21 May 2008 (IRIN): Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF – Læger uden Grænser) has developed an extensive health-care programme in Burma over the past decade, with more than 1.000, mainly local, employees working on HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria.

So when Cyclone Nargis struck, MSF was well placed to deploy medical personnel into the Ayeyarwady Delta, despite the restrictions on foreign aid workers.

MSF deployed about 200 people – divided into 40 relief teams, each with a doctor, nurse and paramedic – to deliver emergency food and other supplies and to treat some of the 20.000 people that Burmese authorities estimate were injured in the cyclone.

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