Glæde i Chile

Forfatter billede

Da 2 af de 33 indespærrede chilenske minearbejdere var reddet op, skrev BBC News onsdag:

Two of the 33 miners trapped deep underground for more than two months in northern Chile have been rescued.

The first, Florencio Avalos, reached the surface to cheers at 0010 local time (0310 GMT), after being winched up a 624m shaft in a capsule.

In an address at the mine, President Sebastián Piñera declared the first rescue a miracle.

Smiling broadly, he thanked the technical experts who had made it possible and said it was a night of emotion.

Recalling the devastating earthquake that struck Chile in February, he said the miners had shown that “when Chile is united, we are capable of doing great things”.

During their journey to the surface, the miners are wearing a “bio-harness” designed for astronauts, which will monitor their heart rate, breathing, temperature and oxygen consumption.

After they have been reunited with their families, the miners will be flown to the hospital in the nearby city of Copiapo, which is on standby to receive them. Outside the hospital, barriers have been set up to cope with the crowds of onlookers and journalists.