4 juni’s demokrati-kræfter spøger stadig i Kina

Forfatter billede

Kinesiske sikkerhedsstyrker anholdte flere regeringskritikere op til lørdagens jubilæum for den pro-demokrati-bevægelse, som i 1989 blev knust under kinesisk militærs overmagt på Beijing’s Tiananmen plads.

Skriver det østasiatiske medie Intellasia mandag.

The Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, lashed out at the US government over calls for a full accounting of the military assault on civilians 22 years ago, saying the issue was closed.

“A clear conclusion has already been made concerning the political turmoil that happened in the late 1980s,” spokesman Hong Lei was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua News Agency.

Stricter measures against dissidents are routine on the June 4 anniversary, but this year coincide with the most sweeping suppression campaign in many years. Hundreds of activists, lawyers and bloggers have been questioned, detained or simply have disappeared in the four-month campaign that aims to quash even the possibility of a pro-democracy movement forming along the lines of those sweeping the Arab world.

Tens of thousands of people attend a candlelight vigil at Hong Kong’s Victoria Park Saturday, June 4, 2011, to mark the 22nd anniversary of the June 4th Chinese military crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Beijing. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

Læs videre på: http://www.intellasia.net