Nyt magasin: 5 års indsats i Uganda

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images
Forfatter billede

Danidas HUGGO-program har siden 2006 arbejdet med at fremme god regeringsførelse i Uganda ved at støtte både ministerier, institutioner og det folkelige organisationsliv.

Nu er resultater og erfaringer fra det ambitiøse projekt – HUGGO står for “HUman Rights and Good Governance Office – samlet i et farvestrålende og let tilgængeligt magasin.

Det bærer titlen “Governance for Development. Five years support to democracy, human rights, justice and peace building in Uganda”.

Magasinet rummer en masse god læring, som kan være særdeles nyttig for danske og udenlandske u-landsforeninger – også de der ikke har aktiviteter i det østafrikanske land, skriver NGO-samarbejdsorganet Projektrådgivningen i Århus i sit seneste nyhedsbrev.

Magasinet er i alt væsentligt begået af den kendte u-landsjournalist, Jesper Heldgaard, der har ryddet godt ud i al bistands-kaudervælsket – og for resten nu sidder i foreningen U-landsnyts bestyrelse.

I forordet skriver “the last HUGGO boss”, som han kalder sig – Niels Hjortdal, bl.a.:

As in all other development programmes, implemented activities have been reviewed, assessed and evaluated on an annual basis, and activity progress reports have been produced for internal audiences. The reports have also been used to inform programme planning and focus.

This publication is neither a review nor an evaluation but an attempt to highlight some of the partners we have supported and the activities they have implemented in a way that will hopefully reach a wider audience.

The articles are a clear testimony to the fact that with modest funding and technical support, it was possible for Ugandans to contribute to promoting good governance as a tool for development.

The idea of producing this publication was conceived when it became clear that the era of Danida-HUGGO was drawing to a close and that it would be useful to document experiences and lessons learnt during the implementation of key governance programmes.

These experiences may well serve as a guide for future governance for development programme strategies in Uganda and peer recipient countries. We did not want to adopt the usual reporting format, but we wished instead to allow implementing partners and programme beneficiaries to speak for themselves.

This publication does not claim to tell the full story, nor does it paint a rosy and only positive picture of the activities implemented; it does not boast of Danida HUGGO achievements nor does it claim that results were reached exclusively due to Danida HUGGO support.

The intention is to present some of the personalities and organizations Danida HUGGO has been privileged to work with, to highlight sample tangible achievements and challenges, and even more importantly to share learning experiences from implementing good governance programmes.

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