I et nyt forskningspapir peger Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) på fire vigtige faktorer, myndigheder med fordel kan opfylde, når de går ind i deres landes produktions-sektorer.
Som case analyseres sukkerindustrien i Mozambique, samt eksporten af kakao, palmeolie og havebrug i Ghana.
Why do states intervene in the economy to support productive sectors? Why do they choose particular policies and initiatives, and why do some interventions result in better outcomes than others?, DIIS asks in a summary of the paper, published on its website Wednesday.
Successful state interventions depend on four factors:
1) sustained political support by the government
2) the existence of an embedded and mediating bureaucracy
3) changing the ‘rules of the game’ which govern the distribution of economic benefits and resources
4) that industry actors are organised and that interaction between industrial actors and state actors is institutionalised.
In this paper, these four factors are used to explain why intervention is sometimes a success and sometimes not.
The paper goes through four cases, demonstrating different degrees of successful intervention or political neglect. In concluding, the authors emphasize the political contexts which shape how ruling elites make policies and implement them.
The comparison of the cases is placed within a broader conceptual framework which has been presented in a previous working paper, ‘What drives developing countries to support productive sectors? Ruling elites’ strategies for political survival and their policy implications’ by Ole Therkildsen and Lindsay Whitfield.
This working paper is based on research carried out under the Elites, Production and Poverty collaborative research program (2008-2011) based at DIIS, www.diis.dk/EPP.
Hele afhandlingen kan downloades gratis på http://diis.dk/sw112686.asp
Kilde: diis.dk