Ugandisk mand dømt for mordet på aktivisten David Kato

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En ugandisk mand er idømt 30 års fængsel for mordet på aktivisten David Kato, der blev myrdet i januar i år, skriver BBC Online torsdag.

David Kato var en fremtrædende profil i kampen for homoseksuelles rettigheder i det østafrikanske land, hvor homoseksualitet er forbudt.

A Ugandan man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for murdering the country’s leading gay rights activist, David Kato, in January. Sidney Nsubunga Enoch admitted in court that he had bludgeoned Mr Kato to death with a hammer, but alleged he had been provoked by sexual advances from him, BBC Online reports.

The murder sparked outrage, with Western governments calling on Uganda to legalise homosexuality.

Most Ugandans believe homosexuality is un-Christian and un-African.

“Hang them”

Mr Kato was killed after a newspaper published the names and addresses of people they said were gay or lesbian under the headline “Hang them”. He was a school teacher and gay rights activist who had led a campaign against a controversial bill which included the introduction of the death penalty for some homosexual acts.

After the murder, Uganda’s parliament adjourned without debating it.

US President Barack Obama condemned the bill and donors have urged Uganda’s government to ensure it never become law.

Last month, UK Prime Minister David Cameron said the UK would reduce aid to countries that refused to legalise homosexuality. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni adviser, John Nagenda, accused Mr Cameron of adopting a “bullying mentality” and of treating Ugandans like “children”, BBC Online reports.

Homosexuality is illegal in most African countries.