Oversvømmelsesofre i Pakistan frygter monsunen

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Tusinder af mennesker i Sind provinsen i Pakistan mistede deres hjem under oversvømmelserne i 2011. nu frygter de, at de ikke vil overleve den kommende regntid.

KARACHI, 11 June 2012 (IRIN) “I am currently living in a shack made of wood pieces, straw and plastic. How will my elderly parents and three small children survive these conditions when the rains come? We are already struggling to survive the heat,” Ghazi Dinoo told IRIN from Badin, one of the worst affected districts.

The 2011 floods affected around 5.8 million people in all 23 districts of Sindh, according to official figures, and over 200,000 people still do not have adequate (tilstrækkelige) shelters, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which is planning to increase from 10,500 to 30,000 the number of one-room shelters (ORS) it is providing to vulnerable families.

Manuel Marquez Pereira from the ORS programme officer for IOM, told IRIN: “The idea is to improve the resilience (modstandsdygtighed) of communities by increasing technical quality input, the incorporation of more disaster risk reduction components, monitoring to ensure compliance, and safer shelters with minimum external input to catalyze self-recovery.”

“There are still a large number of flood-affected people all across Sindh,” Anwar Kazmi, spokesman for the charitable Edhi Foundation, told IRIN, adding that the Foundation had distributed seed and fertilizer, but was also encouraging people to “help themselves” rather than wait for aid.

Læs hele artiklen på: http://www.irinnews.org/Report/95622/PAKISTAN-Sindh-2011-flood-victims-brace-for-monsoon