FN efterlyser 198 mio. dollars til humanitær hjælp i Nordkorea

Forfatter billede

Mere end 10.000 børn i Nordkorea skal behandles for akut fejlernæring, og over 2 millioner mennesker trænger til hjælp. FN har brug for 198 millioner dollars for at afhjælpe behovet.

BEIJING, 12 June 2012: The UN now has presented the outlines of the funding needs for its activities in North Korea.

“Sixteen million people continue to suffer from chronic food insecurity, high malnutrition (fejlernæring) and deep-rooted economic problems,” the UN Resident Coordinator in North Korea, Jerome Sauvage, said.

“Inadequate (utiltrækkelige) medical supplies and equipment make the health care system unable to meet basic needs, while the water and heating systems need to be rehabilitated.”

The UN’s humanitarian focus in North Korea is on mitigating (afhjælpe) the crisis through a sustained (vedvarende) humanitarian response that addresses immediate and intermediate needs, while also addressing some of the root causes of the vulnerabilities in order to build sustainable livelihoods.

“The UN in North Korea remains seriously underfunded. Provision of assistance must be based on the humanitarian principles: humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and not be contingent on political developments,” said Mr. Sauvage.

Kilde: FNs Nyhedstjeneste

Læs mere på: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=42199&Cr=DPRK&Cr1=