Hvordan får EU størst indflydelse på udviklingsmålene efter 2015?

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Det belyser to forskere i et nyt papir fra Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) og deres råd er klare: Lær af fortidens fejl, betænk at verden er radikalt forandret, indtag klare holdninger og hold sammen i EU-kredsens 27 medlemslande.

A new DIIS Report, titled “Practice makes Perfect? – The European Union’s engagement in negotiations on a post-2015 framework for development” debates the EU in the Post-2015 negotiations for a development framework.

The report is written by Adam Moe Fejerskov and Niels Keijzer.

2015 is the deadline by which the 193 UN Member States have committed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (2015 Målene) and when discussions on a possible future framework will have to be concluded.

Since the MDGs were designed in the 1990s the world has witnessed profound changes, and the negotiations towards 2015 are set to take place in a context marked by resource scarcity and financial restraints, and where the barriers for change and progress, as well as the opportunities, have changed significantly.

For the European Union to maximise its influence on the negotiations leading up to 2015, it will have to learn from its past performance in international negotiations.

Delivering a comprehensible (forståelig /klar) and influential message in the UN, with political support from both EU and non-EU Member States will be a delicate process of internal coherence (fodslag), gaining political support and building alliances.

The report discusses the potential of EU influence in a post-2015 process that is at its core UN-led.

It seeks to complement an analysis of the possible substance of a post-2015 framework, a subject evidently covered in current policy discussions and recent studies, with an analysis of the EU’s on-going and future engagement in the process of negotiating such a framework.

The latter aspect is not covered in detail in most of the on-going research on post-2015 processes, and this report explores to what extent useful lessons can be drawn from an analysis of the EU’s engagement in recent EU negotiations.


Adam Moe Fejerskov and Niels Keijzer

DIIS Report 2013:04
February 2013, 56 p.
ISBN: 978-87-7605-539-4 (pdf )
ISBN: 978-87-7605-538-7 (print)

Recommended price at booksellers (Denmark): DKK 50 incl. VAT

Order online: DKK 50 + handling DKK 30

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Se også en anden DIIS-rapport “European Union Development Cooperation in a Changing Global Context” af Adam Moe Fejerskov på

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