FN-organisationer i Nordkorea mangler 3/4 af deres 2013-budget

Laurits Holdt

På trods af bedring af den humanitære situation i Nordkorea er der fortsat brug for bl.a. fødevarebistand. Fem store FN-organisationer mangler over 100 millioner dollars til arbejdet.

Pyongyang/Bangkok, 29 April 2013: The World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organisation (WHO), Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) appeal for urgent funding to be able to meet the most critical and life-saving needs of the people of DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea – Nordkorea) in the areas of Health and Nutrition up to the end of the year.

Despite a slight improvement of the overall humanitarian situation over the last 12 months, the structural causes of people’s vulnerability persist. External assistance continues to play a vital role in safeguarding and promoting the well-being of millions whose food security, nutritional status and general health would otherwise be seriously compromised.

The five UN agencies in DPRK remain seriously underfunded. In 2013, a total of US$ 147 million is needed to respond to key humanitarian priorities of which only 26.8% has been received so far. As a result of the persisting deficit, agencies are unable to respond effectively to the humanitarian needs out of which the most critical and life-saving ones urgently require US$ 29.4 million.

Even though the imposed sanctions clearly exclude humanitarian assistance, a negative impact on the levels of humanitarian funding has been experienced. The dire funding situation leaves the UN agencies and other humanitarian actors concerned about the continuation of their programmes in DPRK.