Central FN-organisation rykker for alvor ind i Centralafrika (CAR)

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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FNs Udviklingsprogram (UNDP) lancerer større genopbygningsprogram, hvor målet er reparation af vandreservoirer, broer, klinikker, veje; ikke mindst udført via mad-for-arbejde projekter, hvor lokale indbyggere samtidig får mad på bordet i det kaotiske og voldsprægede land.

BANGUI, 26 February 2014 (UN News Service): The United Nations Development Agency (UNDP) Wednesday launched an initiative to promote peace-building and social cohesion (sammenhængskraft) among the Central African Republic’s (CAR) strife-riven communities, while also urging donors to fill a 22 million US dollar gap to ensure the project fulfills its objectives.

“The program aims to help rebuild the social fabric in the Central African Republic, by reducing vulnerabilities in the social, economic and security spheres,” said Kaarina Immonen, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in the capital.

Bangui has been the scene of inter-communal clashes in recent months, and where the plan was launched.

“It will build a bridge between the dire (dystre) humanitarian situation facing the country and efforts to build peace, community resilience and long-term development,” Ms. Immonen added.

The two-year, 26 million dollar initiative involves a series of cash for work and social cohesion activities to aid more than 350.000 people in the centre and western parts of the country.

In the districts of Bangui, Ouham, Ouham-Pendé, Nana-Gribizi and upper Kotto, UNDP will help initiate public works programmes to create temporary jobs to repair damaged infrastructure, such as water reservoirs, sewers (kloakker), bridges and local clinics.

It would also help the earning potential of marginalized groups, such as women, through vocational training, and connect them with mayors and local administrations to strengthen their decision-making.

The agency said it would conduct awareness-raising campaigns through seminars, public discussions and the media, on such issues as human rights, drug abuse (narkomisbrug) and sexual and gender-based violence.

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