Kina og Rusland er trusler mod USAs sikkerhed, men klimaforandringer er det ikke. Ikke mere i hvert fald.
For tidligere har klimaet indgået i det amerikanske trusselsbillede, men det er pillet ud i den nye strategi for amerikansk sikkerhed, som præsident Donald Trump offentliggjorde mandag.
Der har ellers været støt stigende interesse for klimaforandringernes indvirkning på konflikt og krig. Den tidligere amerikanske præsident Barack Obama nævnte denne sammenhæng ved flere lejligheder.
Den nuværende Commander in Chief har imidlertid trukket USA ud af den globale klimaaftale, Paris-aftalen, og har generelt ikke vist den store interesse for det grønne område.
Forsvaret fortsætter med at have fokus på klimaændringer
Tænketanken The Center for Climate and Security, som består af militæreksperter, er skuffede over udeladelsen, men mener ikke nødvendigvis, at det gør den store forskel.
Her nogle udpluk fra en skriftlig reaktion fra institutttet, som har sit hovedsæde i Washington:
“It is unfortunate that climate change is not being explicitly addressed as a national security threat in the National Security Strategy (NSS). Not least as the President just signed a defense bill (2018 NDAA) that declared climate change a “direct threat” to national security (a bill that had strong support from the President’s party in Congress) and his own Department of Defense has been taking the issue very seriously”.
“The NSS is primarily a political document, and not much of a strategy. Through signing the 2018 NDAA, the President has already acknowledged climate change as a security threat. And while it is strange for the NSS to not reflect that, the NSS will likely have a .
“The non-inclusion of climate change in the NSS should not only be seen as a repudiation of an “Obama-era” priority. Climate change has been viewed as a national security threat since the George W Bush Administration, as reflected in a number of intelligence and defense documents, including a 2008 National Intelligence Assessment, and that concern has grown into a strongly bipartisan one, as reflected in the 2018 NDAA. That makes the NSS seem quite outdated”.
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