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USAs udviklingspolitik under Obama – hvad er nyt?

Time: Tuesday 25 May from 17:00 to 20:30

Venue: Ingeniørhuset, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Københavns havnefront, Kbn

The US Development Policy is guided by the following principles:

* Working in partnership, not patronage with the countries we serve.
* Leading and coordinating across U.S. agencies and among donors and partners for maximum impact.

Time: Tuesday 25 May from 17:00 to 20:30

Venue: Ingeniørhuset, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Københavns havnefront, Kbn

The US Development Policy is guided by the following principles:

* Working in partnership, not patronage with the countries we serve.
* Leading and coordinating across U.S. agencies and among donors and partners for maximum impact.
* Ensuring strategic focus with targeted investments in areas where we can have the greatest impact with measurable results and accountability.
* Embracing innovation, science, technology and research to improve our development cooperation; and
* Enhancing our focus on women and girls.

These principles embrace the Paris Declaration Principles. How do they work in practice in meeting the global challenges: health, food security, climate change and humanitarian assistance, in Africa, in Haiti, and in the “frontline states” (Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan) under the new administration?

Richard Bell, Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs and Shawn Waddoups, First Secretary, Economic Affairs, US Embassy, Copenhagen, will introduce the new US policy and share their experiences from implementing it in the field.

To kick off the debate we have invited two discussants:

* Kirsten Larsen, DR1 Orientering reporter on global issues, development, UN, conflict, humanitarian assistance and Afghanistan
* Anders Serup Rasmussen, former ambassador to Nicaragua and Benin.


Moderator: Niels Dabelstein, Danish Society for International Development

Registration and Coffee


Richard Bell: What’s new in US development policy?

2 questions from Anders Serup Rasmussen

Shawn Waddup: How does it play out in the field?

2 questions from Kirsten Larsen


Further questions and discussion


Participant price: Members of U-landsfagligt Selskab 150 kr.; students, unemployed and retired 50 kr.; other 325 kr.

Participation according to IDA’s rules. All prices include light refreshments.

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