

Arrangør: N/A

Forelæsning: Hvordan skabe bedre sundhed i hiv/aids-ramte områder

Time: Monday 21 March at 13.15 – 15 hours

Venue: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3 (Overfor indgangen til Vor Frue Kirke), Building 701, Copenhagen

Organizers: Master of International Health & Copenhagen School of Global Health.

Presentation by
* Professor Marjolein Dieleman – Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam

Time: Monday 21 March at 13.15 – 15 hours

Venue: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3 (Overfor indgangen til Vor Frue Kirke), Building 701, Copenhagen

Organizers: Master of International Health & Copenhagen School of Global Health.

Presentation by
* Professor Marjolein Dieleman – Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam

A motivated and qualified workforce is crucial to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In many low and middle income countries, however, health workers are insufficient in numbers or not adequately qualified or motivated to provide quality care.

HIV/AIDS has exacerbated the situation, changing the demands on the health workforce while affecting health workers themselves. Under these difficult conditions, it is vital to support health workers through Human Resource Management (HRM).

This presentation is based on studies in Zambia, Uganda, Vietnam and Mali, which investigated experiences with HRM and problems health workers face in their work and points to simple changes to existing HRM interventions that could produce meaningful change.

This is an open event, but please register on [email protected] no later than 17 March.

More information here.