

Arrangør: N/A

Kenyas svære og blodige valg – og hvordan det blev løst

Time: Monday 14 March at 13 – 15 hours

Venue: Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, Auditorium 12, Kbn K

Admission free, all are welcome

Professor Jørgen Elklit, dr.scient.pol., Aarhus University
Discussant & co-presenter: Charles Kinga, cand. mag., Centre of African Studies

Time: Monday 14 March at 13 – 15 hours

Venue: Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, Auditorium 12, Kbn K

Admission free, all are welcome

Professor Jørgen Elklit, dr.scient.pol., Aarhus University
Discussant & co-presenter: Charles Kinga, cand. mag., Centre of African Studies

The fulcrum of this seminar is the 2007 General Elections (or electoral outcome) in Kenya, the Kriegler Commission and the 2005 constitutional referendum.

In accordance with CAS thematic platform ‘Sovereignities and Citizenship’, this seminar will look into elections, citizenship and the boundaries of belonging in a democracy.

The presentation will discuss how solutions to this electoral dispute were found, what instruments were used, and document why the picture was much more complicated than first thought.

The seminar will also reflect on post 2008 institutional and political development, i.e. the democratization process; the electorate, their understanding of democracy, citizenship, political culture, political campaigning etc.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Charles M. M. Kinga, B.A., PG-D (Journalism), M.A. (African Studies)
Academic Employee – Research
Centre of African Studies – University of Copenhagen
Mobil: 52 70 99 40, Work e-mail: [email protected]