

Arrangør: N/A

Lancering: Review Rapport om erfaringerne med Danmarks strategi til oprindelige folk

Time: Friday 8. April at 9.30 – 15 hours

Venue: Location 9,1 Nordatlantens Brygge 91, 1401 Copenhagen K (At the end of Strandgade on Christianshavn, facing Nyhavn)

Time: Friday 8. April at 9.30 – 15 hours

Venue: Location 9,1 Nordatlantens Brygge 91, 1401 Copenhagen K (At the end of Strandgade on Christianshavn, facing Nyhavn)

The review findings document groundbreaking results of comprehensive and high-profiled Danish-Geenlandic effors involving diplomatic negotiations, political dialogue and development cooperation totalling DKK 1.8 billion during the decade under review.

The review report also points to key challenges for future efforts to promote indigenous peoples’ rights, notably emanating from changes to the international aid architecture in light of the Paris Declaration and the decision to focus Danish development cooperation on Africa.

Minister for Development Cooperation Søren Pind and Premier of Greenland Kuupik Kleist are thus pleased to be co-hosting a Launch Event.

Review findings are presented at the Launch Event and provide ample opportunities to discuss perspectives for future endeavours to promote indigenous peoples’ rights.

Opening: Minister for Development Cooperation and Premier of Greenland

Minister for Development Cooperation Søren Pind and Premier of Greenland Kuupik Kleist set the stage of Danish-Greenlandic cooperation on indigenous peoples’ rights, achievements and opportunities.

Keynotes: Indigenous peoples rights in an international perspective –
Three keynote speakers from three continents put the Danish strategy in an international perspective:
• Raja Devasish Roy – Barrister, Chief of the Chakma Administrative Circle of Chittagong Hill Tracts,
Bangladesh, Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
• Dr. Albert K. Barume – Human Rights Lawyer African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, ILO
• H E Juan Léon – Ambassador of Guatemala to the Nordic Countries


Presentation: Review of Strategy for Support to Indigenous Peoples

Team leader Elsebeth Tarp and external advisers Birgitte Feiring and Verner Kristiansen present main conclusions of the review (September 2010-February 2011) and its principal recommendations Raja Devasish Roy, Joji Cariño, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity – indicator working group, the Philippines and Director of IWGIA Lola García Alix put the findings into perspective Q&A and open discussion of findings and recommendations with the review team and panelists

Networking Lunch

Indigenous peoples’ rights in light of Danish development priorities

Film excerpts and brief presentations provide a starting point for participant dialogue in three parallel tracks followed by plenary discusssions. The outcome will provide input for a How To Note, intended to inspire practioners in future efforts to promote indigenous peoples’ rights

Plenary introduction to draft version of How To Note (A)

Participant dialogue in three thematic tracks (B)

Human Rights
• Mr Aqqaluk Lynge – Chaiman Inuit Circumpolar Council
• Dr Albert Barume – African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Senior Specialist ILO

Fragile States and Conflict
• Raja Devasish Roy – Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
• H E Juan Léon – Ambassador of Guatemala to the Nordic Countries

Climate and Envirnment
• Mr Gonzalo Oviedo – Senior Adviser, International Union for the Conservation of Nature
• Ms Joji Cariño, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity – indicator working group

Plenary wrap-up of thematic discussions

Conclusion – Participants reflect on the day’s discussions.


The event is hosted jointly by the Government of Greenland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Management advisers Verner Kristiansen ApS have been contracted to assist with the event and can be contacted via e-mail: [email protected] or phone number 27 41 26 45.

All registered participants receive a link to the Review Report and the draft How to Note.