

Arrangør: N/A

Åbning af Dansk Institut for Flerpartisamarbejde – DIPD (Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy)

Tid: Torsdag d. 26. maj, kl. 11.00 – 12.15

Sted: Folketinget, Christiansborg. Lokale: Samtaleværelset.


Programme Thursday 26 May 2011

11:00-12:15 in ‘Samtaleværelset’, Folketinget, Christiansborg, Copenhagen

The Official Opening of DIPD

Tid: Torsdag d. 26. maj, kl. 11.00 – 12.15

Sted: Folketinget, Christiansborg. Lokale: Samtaleværelset.


Programme Thursday 26 May 2011

11:00-12:15 in ‘Samtaleværelset’, Folketinget, Christiansborg, Copenhagen

The Official Opening of DIPD

The Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) was established by an Act of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) on 26 May 2010.

A Board representing all the political parties in Folketinget, different parts of Danish civil society and the international community started work in September 2010. A Director and staff was recruited in January 2011.

Now the Institute is ready to deliver on the mandate it has been given by Folketinget.

On the occasion of the official opening, the Institute will also present its Strategy for 2011-13: “Political Parties in a Democractic Culture”; the DIPD website will be launched; and the Chairman will announce the first activities of the Institute.


Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with name and organization specifying the event you want to register for – see other events on
http://www.u-landsnyt.dk/kalender-indhold/konference-demokratiet-i-egypten-og-tunesien-futur and http://www.u-landsnyt.dk/kalender-indhold/seminar-future-democracy-egypt-role-political-part

Deadline for registration is Monday 23th May 2011.

You will receive an e-mail confirming your participation.


11:00 – 11:10
Welcome by Mr. Henrik Bach Mortensen, Chairman of the Board of DIPD

11:10 – 11:20
Official Opening by Mr. Søren Pind, Minister for Development Cooperation

11:20 – 11:30
Keynote Address by Dr. Gamal Abdel Gawwad Soltan, Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and Member of the Executive Board of DEDI

11:30 – 11:45
Welcome remarks
by Mr. Vidar Helgesen, Secretary-General, International IDEA and member of the Board of DIPD
by Mr. Ivan Doherty, Director of Political Party Programs, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, NDI
by Mr. Hans Bruning, Executive Director, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, NIMD

11:45 – 12:15

DIPD´s address:
Strandgade 56
1401 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 32 69 89 89
web (from 26th. October): www.dipd.dk



Institut for Flerpartisamarbejde (Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy, DIPD) blev etableret ved lov af Folketinget den 26. maj 2010 for at styrke udviklingen af politiske partier og flerpartisystemer i udviklingslandene.

På ét-årsdagen for lovens vedtagelse er DIPD nu klar til at præsentere sin strategi for 2011-2013: ”Politiske partier i en demokratisk kultur”, orientere om de første aktiviteter og lancere instituttets hjemmeside.

11 – 11:10
Velkomst v. Henrik Bach Mortensen, Formand for DIPDs bestyrelse

11:10 – 11:20
Officiel åbning v. Søren Pind, Udviklingsminister (V)

11:20 – 11:25
Tale v. Vidar Helgesen, Generalsekretær for International IDEA, Stockholm
(IDEA står for International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance)

11:25 – 11:35
Tale v. Amr Hamzawi, Director of Studies, Carnegie Middle East Center

11:35 – 12:15: Reception

Arrangementet foregår på engelsk.

Tilmelding bedes ske til [email protected] senest mandag den 23. maj 2011.

Afvent bekræftelse per e-mail.

Dansk Institut for Flerpartisamarbejde, Strandgade 56, 1401 Kbn K
Tlf. 32 69 89 28, E-mail [email protected]