Tid: 23/08/2017 11:00 til 23/08/2017 12:30

Sted: Dansk Industri, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 København V

Arrangør: N/A

Ambassadørmøde: Bliv klogere på asiatiske markeder

Join this network meeting on 23 August 2017 at Confederation of Danish Industry, where we welcome you to meet the Danish Ambassadors in Pakistan, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand.

They will provide an update on their markets and give their take on the most interesting and emerging sectors.

Furthermore, the main challenges you as foreign company can expect to face on the respective market will be specified by the ambassador.

The four countries 

The four countries have all in common that they experience moderate to high GDP growth averaging around 4.15 per cent in 2016 and is expected to advance up to average 5 per cent in 2017.

Numerous government initiatives and programmes have ensured a remarkable reduction in the share of the population living in poverty and the magnitude of the middle-class is getting significantly greater.

According to several studies will all of the four countries income category be upper-middle income economy before 2020 if the GDP growth rates remain high.

We believe that the four countries have a tremendous untapped potential for Danish companies, but we also acknowledge the challenges.

The objective

The objective of this network meeting is to offer you the opportunity to meet the ambassadors personally and be informed about regional opportunities and threats, strength and weakness, in an objective and professional manner. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to talk to the ambassadors and ask specific business related questions. 


11:00: Welcome to DI – Ejvind Vøgg, Senior Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry

11:05: Briefly update on the Markets

  • Pakistan: Ambassador Ole Thonke 
  • Malaysia: Ambassador Nikolai Ruge
  • Philippines: Ambassador Jan Top Christensen 
  • Thailand: Ambassador Uffe Otto Wolffhechel

11:45: Q&A

12:25: Concluding Remarks