Tid: 25/08/2017 18:00 til 25/08/2017 20:00

Sted: Ubuntu-huset, Købmagergade 43 1. sal, 1150 København K

Arrangør: N/A

Boglancering: “Women in Post-Revolutionary Egypt”

The book “Women in Post-Revolutionary Egypt – Can Behaviour Be Controlled?” presents the findings from a study amongst contemporary Egyptian women.

The comprehensive, interaction-based, dialogue-oriented project with and about women has enjoyed tremendous support from local communities throughout the post-revolutionary Egyptian society. With this project, through the book, we want to bring nuances and more subtlety to the debate, also for talk related to women from the Middle East. We are happy to finally being able to present our findings in this book that serves as a deliverable of the project. 

The book relies on dialogues, interactions through workshops, and focus group interviews with women from diverse backgrounds of the Egyptian society, who earnestly share their perspectives of being a woman in Egypt post 25 January revolution 2011. 

The study was a partnership project between Aalborg University, Denmark and Egyptian Kenena Ngo. It was funded by KVINFO's Pool for Dialogue and Cooperation on Gender and Women’s Rights. 

In the book, we hear the women talk about their experiences during the revolution, and their view on politics in Egypt more generally, how they experience the space of tensions between societal structures and individual agency as well as what hopes and dreams they have for their future.

This evening, in the Ubuntuhouse, we will also hear how Christine Saad Eskander Guirguis, one of the young Egyptian women working with us on this project, has experienced being part of the project, interacting with and interviewing fellow countrywomen.

There will also be a chance to ask questions and mingle as we invite you for a little refreshment.

About the authors

Mette Toft Nielsen studied Culture, Communication and Globalization at Aalborg University, Denmark. She went to Egypt in 2012 to write her thesis and engage herself in the field of education. Through these experiences she got inspiration for the present study.

Peter Hervik is anthropologist, Professor in Migration studies at the Department of Culture and Global Studies, at Aalborg University, Denmark. Hervik has conducted research among the Yucatec Maya of Mexico and on the representation in the news media of religious and ethnic minorities in Denmark, particularly themes of radical right wing populism, neonationalism, neoracism, ethnicitzation, Islamophobia and related issues.


18.00-18.10: Welcome

18.10-19.10: Presentation of the book and our findings incl. Q&A

19.10-20.00: Networking with snacks

The event will be in English. Admission is free and registration is not required. 

It will be possible to order the book at the event. You can have a sneak peek here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Women-post-revolutionary-Egypt-Behaviour-Controlled/dp/3631717350