Tid: 18/01/2018 17:00 til 18/01/2018 20:00

Sted: Ubuntu House, Købmagergade 43 (under the big sign Chao Chao), 1150 CPH K

Arrangør: N/A

Workshop: Spisdating Storytelling (København)

Come to Crossing Borders Spisdating Live Stories 2018 with exciting personalities whose stories are uniquely amazing and uplifting. 

You are going to meet the living legend Jacob Holdt, the social critique author and photographer: 

Spisdating Lifestories

The aim of the SpisDating is to provide an exciting space for people from backgrounds to share their life stories. We want to enable people to learn from and be inspired by each other’s life experiences through storytelling in a safe, stimulating and inclusive social environment. The idea stems from the belief that each one of us has unique life stories that are worth sharing and from which we can learn a lot. The idea also resonates with the saying: I tell my story, therefore, I am. 

As the participants have such important stories to share, we find it necessary to offer storytelling workshops. We believe the workshops will help the participants improve their storytelling skills to organise their thoughts, structure their stories, make priorities and choose what goes into the story and what does not within the limited time available. To meet these needs, we have decided to offer five interactive storytelling workshops to those who wish to:

  • improve self-confidence and public speaking;
  • increase understanding of the vital importance of storytelling as key to interpersonal and inter-cultural bonding;
  • improve and develop storytelling skills for sharing thoughts, feelings and healing;
  • enhance communication skills and empathy.

The motivation

The project is motivated by the beliefs that:

  • everyone has a unique story that is worth sharing and learning from;
  • to tell one’s story is to exist;
  • to participate in the conversation and make one’s voice heard is a human right;
  • we can learn much from sharing our respective experiences;
  • listening to the stories of other fellow humans inspires empathy and bonding.

The target groups 

The storytelling workshops is open to all those who want to be part of the Spisdating project and able to attend the five storytelling workshops. The workshops are free of charge, but in order to insure ownership by the participants, it is necessary to sign up as member of Crossing Borders (150kr, or 75kr for students) and pay a symbolic fee of 30kr at the first workshop.

Pay with MobilePay: 21639432 or bank transfer to Crossing Borders: 5050 – 1334325 – Jyske Bank

Asylum seekers will not need to pay the membership fee. You also need to have a good level of English to participate in the workshop.

The method and structure

The series of workshops will be structured progressively from the concept, and will include keynote storytelling by experts, documentary films, exercises, body language, role-plays and then conclude in a grand finale where the participants tell stories in plenum. Each workshop will last for 4 hours including dinner. 

These are among the benefits you will reap from joining the SpisDating

When you complete the workshops, you will notice remarkable improvements in your:

  • self-confidence to make your voice heard;
  • ability to organise and share your thoughts and perspectives; 
  • public speaking skills;
  • storytelling skills;
  • listening skills and empathy; 
  • interpersonal and intercultural social skills;
  • making new friends;
  • being part of a global community of Crossing Borders;
  • expanding your network and horizon.

We will take maximum 25 on a first-come basis. If you are interested and able, sign up by sending an email with the following details to [email protected] : Job, name, age and status.