Tid: 29/11/2018 09:00 til 29/11/2018 17:00

Sted: University of Copenhagen, Southern Campus (KUA 2), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S, room 23.0.50

Arrangør: N/A

Fotojournalistik og konflikt

Photojournalists used to hold a privileged position in conflict reporting. Today, they are joined by activists, citizens and others who also produce and disseminate images. Cell phone videos of police officers shooting unarmed, black teenagers in USA are captured by accidental bystanders and shared by the Black Lives Matter movement.

The destruction and horror of the war in Syria are documented by activists, who after years of war have developed networks and acquired professional photo equipment – and skills. These practices change the role images play in conflicts, raising pressing issues about the production and veracity of images as well as safety, ethics and the politics of participation:

• Why and how does it matter that conflicts are documented and made visible to the outside world?

• How are images from conflicts created and shared in today’s connective media environment?

• How can the authenticity of images be established?

This conference aims to generate a conversation between scholars, NGO workers, photo editors and activists about the role performed by images in contemporary conflicts.


9:00-9:15 Welcome

9:15-10:00 Aida El Kashef

10:00-10:45 TBA

10:45-11:15 Coffee

11:15-12:00 Federico Escher

12:00-13:00 Lunch break (lunch will be available from the university canteen at participants’ own cost)

13:00-13:45 Zeynep Gürsel

13:45-14:30 Nina Grønlykke Mollerup and Mette Mortensen

14:30-15:00 Coffee

15:00-15:45 Nicholas Mirzoeff

15:45-17:00 Panel discussion, panelists TBA

Attendance is free, but we appreciate registration by sending your name and affiliation to Nanna Juul Jensen at [email protected]

Find presentations of the speakers and more information here