Tid: 21/01/2019 08:30 til 25/01/2019 17:00

Sted: Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Borgergade 10, 1300 København K.

Arrangør: N/A

Humanitarian Mediation Training (København)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Danish Demining Group (DDG) are under the auspice of the Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding offering a 5-day training on humanitarian mediation. 

You can through this training acquire mediation & dialogue facilitation skills, based on neutral and impartial principles, with a focus on using these skills in humanitarian programmes and/or other conflict contexts. 

The training draws on principles of adult education, uses a participatory and practical approach aiming at developing skills and aptitudes, based on participants’ own experiences.

The aim of the Humanitarian Mediation training is to provide humanitarian aid workers operating in conflict context with practical knowledge, tools and skills to design, plan and conduct humanitarian mediation and dialogue facilitation processes aiming at:

  • Preventing or mitigating episodes of violence,
  • Preventing forced displacement and facilitating returns,
  • Improving humanitarian access and acceptance,
  • Enhancing respect for affected population’s basic rights.

The processes presented during the training will also be useful for personnel involved in safe and good quality programming activities such as:

  • Protection mainstreaming,
  • Participation and Community-based approaches,
  • Communication with beneficiaries and Community Engagement,
  • Accountability to Affected Population (AAP) processes, 
  • Do No Harm.

While tools and approaches covered in the training may effectively contribute to longer-term social cohesion, stability and inclusive governance processes in divided communities, this proposed training is not a peace-building training. It does not cover political mediation processes but rather focuses on community based pro-active protection approaches in humanitarian contexts.

Extensive experience in mediation or conflict management is not a requirement however the participants will be selected based on a motivated application. We will strive to put together a diverse group of participants in order for as much experience and learning to take place between participants. Depending on the number of applications from each organization there may be a limit to the number of applicants from the same organization.

Language: the course and materials will be in English

Trainer: Line Brylle, Global Armed Violence Reduction Advisor – Danish Demining Group + co-facilitator from field (TBC) 

Participants: 24 participants (maximum)

Participation fee: 1.500 DKK (200 EUR)

The training is in part subsidized by the Network for Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding and DRC.

Selection criteria on which the application will be assessed:

  • You are involved in programmes or operations with a humanitarian or development focus, or in conflict prevention and resolution related work internationally or in Denmark
  • You have a minimum of field experience, you are working in the field or directly involved in monitoring/coordinating field programmes (from coordination offices)
  • You are motivated to learn about conflict management, mediation and dialogue facilitation

A CV and a brief motivated application for taking the course and how you expect that the content of the course can be useful in your work will be required


Deadline for application 9 December 2018.

Confirmation of Registration: participants selected will be notified latest 14 December.

Final payment deadline: 21 December (details for payment will be forwarded once registration has been confirmed)

If participants are travelling from outside Denmark, any costs related to travel will have to be covered by the participant/participant’s organization. Administrative assistance (for travel, transport, accommodation or other) should be taken care of by the respective organisation. DRC-DDG can provide an invitation letter for visa purposes if required. Please specify in the application whether this should be expected.

(DRC-DDG participants will be required to provide a project.nr. and budget-line for coverage of the participant fee).

Cancellations: The fee will be fully reimbursed for valid reasons if requested before 13 January (a 50% cancellation fee will be retained from 14 January onwards)

A minimum number of participants is needed to launch the training in order to ensure relevant work dynamics and financial feasibility.

If you have any questions on training content you are welcome to contact Line Brylle – [email protected]

For any administrative/practical enquiries, please contact:
Sanne Bergh – [email protected] or Maria Bach – [email protected]

Register for the course through the registration form.