Tid: 10/05/2019 08:45 til 10/05/2019 12:45

Sted: Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25, København - konferencelokale 3

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Hvorledes spiller evalueringer en rolle for en mere tilpasningsdygtig udviklingsbistand? (København)

Danidas Evaluation Department invites you to participate in a seminar on: Adaptive and flexible Development Aid – the role of Evaluations; to be held May 10, 9-12.15 in Eigtveds Pakhus, conference room III.

Aid is increasingly provided within changing contexts, e.g. in fragile and conflict prone regions, and within humanitarian crises. This calls for a more flexible approach to delivery of aid programmes. To be manageable and effective such an approach requires timely and relevant information, which again implies a need for continuous feedback to guide practitioners in adapting interventions to the changing realities. The seminar will present and discuss how real-time and developmental evaluations can serve this purpose of providing real-time information for flexible delivery of aid programmes.

Since 2016, Danida has piloted Real-Time Evaluations to be implemented alongside aid programmes in order to provide timely input that can be used by programme implementers to enhance performance and adapt and adjust interventions, not just in a “next phase” but during the lifespan of the programme.

It is still early days to draw conclusions regarding the usefulness of the RTE pilots, but as an input to the assessment Danida’s Evaluation Department is hosting a seminar on “Adaptive and flexible Development Aid – the role of Evaluations”; with a dual focus on both flexible implementation, and real-time evaluation as an approach in support of flexibility. More specifically, Dr. Donna Podems will present her experience with what Michael Quinn Patton has labelled “Developmental Evaluation”, building on real-time engagement with programmes to support implementers in addressing uncertainty and enhancing performance – as well as challenges and prerequisites consider. To this, Mr. Chris Perry will address the issue of “New trends in adaptive and flexible programme implementation”.


08.45: Registration and coffee

09.10: Welcome by Ms. Nanna Hvidt, Head of Department, Evaluation and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

09.20: Introduction to the seminar. Ms. Eva Brandt Broegaard and Mr. Henning Nøhr, MoFA, Department for Evaluation and Research.

09.30: RTE and Developmental Evaluation – approaches for enhancing performance of development assistance. Ms. Donna Podems.

Donna Podems is Associate Professor at Michigan State University and a Senior Research Associate at University of Johannesburg. She holds a doctorate in interdisciplinary studies focused on Program Evaluation and Organizational Development. She has worked with governments, civil society, nongovernmental groups, international donors, and foundations, including USAID, DFID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, MasterCard Foundation and multiple UN organizations. Her most recent publications are “Being an Evaluator – Your Practical Guide to Evaluation“ and “Democratic Evaluation”.

10.30: Q/A for Donna Podems.

10.45: Adaptive and flexible implementation – new trends. Mr. Chris Perry, ITAD.

Chris Perry is a principal consultant at Itad where he leads the Governance portfolio. He has over 19 years’ experience of leading and working in teams carrying out monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and providing strategic and operational advice and technical assistance to public and private sector organisations.

11.30: Plenary discussion, Q/A and feedback from audience. Moderated by Ms. Eva Brandt Broegaard and Mr. Chris Perry.

12.15: Closing remarks

Please register your participation to Ms. Christel Mattsson [email protected] no later than 6th May.