Tid: 29/08/2019 09:00 til 29/08/2019 12:00

Sted: Pædagogernes Pension Sundkrogsgade 13, 4. sal. 2100 København Ø.

Arrangør: N/A

Dialogue: Ensuring human rights and environment in climate investments (København)

DIEH and Dansif are organising a series of meetings under the headline Responsible Investment Dialogues. The purpose is to promote responsible investment through dialogue, debate and exchange of experiences and best practices on specific themes. Responsible Investment Dialogues gathers investors, companies, NGO’s, labor union and other relevant parties to get in depth with selected issues though deep-dives and identifying concrete solutions to complex challenges.

Note: The meeting is reserved for members of DIEH and Dansif as well as selected stakeholders.


09:00 Welcome by DIEH, Dansif and the supporters of the Responsible Investment Dialogues

09:10 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
– Presents their new investor briefing “Renewables & Human Rights”
– Introduces their work with a Renewables Human Rights Benchmarking Tool, aiming to create a race to the top for renewable energy companies work with human rights.

10:00 IFU – Investment Fund for Developing Countries
– Shares insights in their due diligence processes to ensure respect of environment and human rights in their green investments.

10:20 Coffee Break

10:40 Vestas
– Presents their work on social impacts in renewable energy and gives an introduction to Vestas’ due diligence process for projects on the ground.

11:00    Dialogue facilitated by DIEH

11:50    Summing up and upcoming meetings

More details and sign up here