Tid: 07/10/2019 09:30 til 07/10/2019 16:30


Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Fight Inequality Alliance European Meeting – Building European action on inequality and the climate crisis (København)

Kvindernes U-landsudvalg and the European chapter of the Fight Inequality Alliance together with Oxfam IBIS and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke-ActionAid invite you to several regional meetings, events and workshops taking place in Copenhagen from 7th-8th October 2019, which focus on building European action across a range of issues including women’s rights, climate justice, economic inequality and financing for development.

The climate emergency and inequality crisis facing our generation are fueled by a broken economic model that values profit before both people and planet.

Join the Fight Inequality Alliance for a day of organising focused around building pan-European action to fight inequality and the climate crisis.

Why should inequality and climate activists come together?

The current, dominant model of economic growth is responsible for generating both the gross levels of inequality between and within countries and the climate emergency we are now facing. These two crises are deeply interlinked; the very model that creates increasing inequality by allowing wealth and income to be siphoned upwards into the hands of ever fewer individuals also drives over-consumption and a lack of accountability.

The climate emergency is the result of extreme and growing global inequality, whereby a powerful elite abuse our planet and its resources. Meanwhile, the repercussions of climate change are felt most strongly by the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

Political leaders have failed to respond appropriately, while ever more wealth and power is accumulated in the hands of a few ultra-rich individuals and corporations. Meanwhile, climate activism is taking force across Europe, driven by the younger generation who will be forced to face the consequences of reckless and irresponsible “growth”. We must come together across social movements and borders to fight the root cause driving inequality and climate crisis.

At this European gathering, we will come together across movements and borders for a day of action-orientated organising to:

  • explore the climate and inequality crises and analyse the links between these
  • jointly plan for pan-European activism and initiatives to fight for a more equal and sustainable future.

Featuring presentations from:

  • Rethinking Economics
  • Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse
  • Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology

This event is free and open to anyone looking to take action with the Fight Inequality Alliance in Europe; including climate/inequality activists, feminist activists, representatives of NGOs, civil society organisations, grassroots movements, youth groups and more.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Spaces are limited so please RSVP as soon as possible to secure your place.

Draft agenda

9:30 – 10:00: Registration and refreshments

10:00 – 10:15: Introduction to the Fight Inequality Alliance

10:15 – 10:45: Quickfire presentations:

  • Rethinking Economics
  • Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse
  • Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology

10:45 – 11:30: Breakout groups:

  • What is the relationship between climate and inequality? How do we communicate these links?
  • Power-mapping: who are our key targets?

11:30-11:45: Mid-morning coffee break

11:45 – 12:00: Introduction to the global week of action

12:00 – 13:00: Creative breakouts using the “ Disney Method ” of planning

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30: Developing European regional actions for Jan 2020

  • Offline mobilisation/s
  • Online campaigning
  • Media work

15:30 – 16:00: Delegating responsibility and agreeing communication

16:00 – 16:15: Closing reflections and next steps

Please contact Rianna ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Arrangører: The Equality Trust, Kvindernes U-landsudvalg, OxfamIbis, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke-ActionAid