Tid: 16/12/2020 14:00 til 16/12/2020 14:00

Sted: Virtual event – Zoom

Arrangør: N/A

Danish launch: Human Development Report 2020

The next frontier.

For the first time in a relationship spanning 300,000 years, instead of the planet shaping humans, humans are shaping the planet. This is the Anthropocene: the age of humans. The 30th anniversary Human Development Report 2020 looks at how humanity can navigate this new age, unpacking the relationships between people and the planet and where we go from here, to transform pathways to human progress. 

Join us at the launch and find out more – including how Denmark ranks in this year’s Human Development Index – 
as UNDP and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs invite you to join the virtual Danish launch of the Human Development Report’s 30th anniversary edition on 16 December. Registration here.

Tomas Anker Christensen 
Danish Climate Ambassador 

Ulrika Modèer
Assistant UN Secretary-General and UNDP Bureau Director 

Katherine Richardson
Professor and Leader of Sustainability Science Centre, University of Copenhagen

Tim Whyte 
Secretary General of MS Actionaid

Nadia Gullestrup Christensen
Danish Youth Delegate to the UN