Tid: 26/10/2021 13:30 til 26/10/2021 14:15

Sted: Online

Arrangør: N/A

JUST SOCIETY webinar series: Challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights in the Global South

JUST SOCIETY is organising its second webinar series in which we dive into administrative, political and legal challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights across our four partner countries in the Global South: Brazil, Georgia, India sand South Africa.

The key purpose of the webinars is to establish a cross-continental dialogue and highlight comparative perspectives on equal access to justice and welfare rights in societies today. The webinars will feature three presentations by researchers from JUST SOCIETY’s partner countries. In subsequent panel discussions, we discuss similarities and dissimilarities across countries and regions and consider how existing challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights can be alleviated

JUST SOCIETY’s next webinar will be on:


The webinar will feature three presentations:

  • “Thick and Thin Sides of Access to Justice in India” by Sony Pellissery, Associate Professor of Public Policy, National Law School of India University Bangalore
  • “Political coordination and access to welfare in a multiparty presidential regime” by Pablo Holmes Chaves, Associate Professor of Political Theory, Dept. of Political Science, University of Brasilia
  • “Social grants and voter choice in South Africa” by Leila Patel, Professor of Social Development Studies and the South African National Research Chair in Welfare and Social Development, Centre for Social Development in Africa, University of Johannesburg

This webinar will provide a broad and comparative lens on the politics of equal access to justice and welfare rights. The webinar features three presentations that each give their perspective on the politics of equal access: from the contradictions between thick democratic and thin legal conceptions of access in India, the costs of political coordination and coalition building for inclusive social policy in Brazil, to the effects of access to social grants for voter choice in South Africa. Together, the presentations will allow for a cross-continental comparison of the implications of political systems and institutions for equal access to justice and welfare rights.

The webinar will be chaired by Ane Karoline Bak, Assistant Professor at the Danish Centre for Welfare Studies (DaWS), Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Southern Denmark. 

Register here and find much more information about the webinars here