Tid: 15/11/2021 14:00 til 15/11/2021 15:30

Sted: Online – Zoom

Arrangør: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies

Ways out of the energy crisis?

The Baltic Sea region is hit hard by the deep energy supply crisis in Europe. Russia once again plays a major role. Although the oil and gas infrastructure of the Cold War era still has the region in a tight grip, new sources of energy supply have been intensely sought after and the EU ambitious climate agenda has given a new impetus to the development of a range of alternative energy solutions and technologies.

This webinar will focus on the difficult cross-pressure between the geopolitics of the fossil era that put oil and gas producing countries at the top of the regional hierarchy and the promise of the new energy technologies that might soon render the old regional power dynamic obsolete.

We will zoom in on examples from Denmark, Poland, Finland and Lithuania and discuss whether technology can pave the way out of the energy and climate crises looming ahead.

Farid Karimi, Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of Bioeconomy, Novia University, Finland
Mads Krogh, Head of Division, Danish Energy Agency
Dr. Arūnas Molis, Klaipeda LNG Project Eexecutive at “Klaipedos nafta”, Professor at Vytautas Magnus University – Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy 
Izabela Surwillo, Postdoc, DIIS
Trine Villumsen Berling, Senior Researcher, DIIS

​​​​​​14.00 – Welcome, Trine Villumsen Berling
Energy sovereignty and low carbon energy transition in Poland, Izabela Surwillo
Activating people for green energy transition in the Baltic Sea region, Farid Energy Islands in Denmark, Mads Krogh
Diversification in Lithuania: towards energy independence, Arūnas Molis
Q&A – moderated by Trine Villumsen Berling
15.30 – End of today’s webinar

Practical information
This webinar will be held in English and you can attend via Zoom. The webinar will not be recorded.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

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