Tid: 16/06/2022 14:00 til 16/06/2022 15:30

Sted: Online

Arrangør: Danida Fellowship Centre

Knowledge in Action Talk ‘Partnerships for Change II. Engaging the public and private sector on plastic waste in Kenya and Denmark

Danida Fellowship Centre would like to share some exiting news regarding our 4th Knowledge in Action Talk ‘Partnerships for Change II. Engaging the public and private sector on plastic waste in Kenya and Denmark’ that takes place on 16 June 2022, 2-3.30 pm CET

We are live streaming the talk on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook. Find more information here and add it to your calendar.

Are you interested in partnership collaboration, but want to know more about choosing the right partners? Are you curious about how a collaborative project between the public, private and third sector could work?

This Knowledge in Action Talk#4 Partnerships for Change. Better together will inspire you with strategic tips for working practically in partnerships within the private, public and civil sector that you can take into your work to create partnerships for change.

Rowena Harding, Communications and Engagement specialist will facilitate the talk alongside two guest facilitators, who will share their experiences from two different but successful partnerships.

Guest speakers:
Klaus Lehn Christensen, Regional Manager East Africa, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and Priyen Tanna Technical Lead Consultant, Kenya’s Producer Responsibility Organization (KEPRO).
Nina Espegård Hassel, Head of Department for Circular Economy and Waste, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Environment of Denmark.