Tid: 27/10/2022 09:30 til 28/10/2022 15:00

Sted: Global Focus, Rysensteensgade 3, 1564 Copenhagen V

Arrangør: Build Up, Danmission, the Global Focus "Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding"

PeaceTech: Peacebuilding in a digital age – mini-training October 27-28

Invitation to PeaceTech mini-training – October 27-28, 2022

Through the Global Focus “Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding” Danmission and Build Up invite you for a 2-day applied training on


New technology, the (mis)use of social media and digital realm instigate or fuel polarization and conflicts with very real offline consequences for people and societies. At the same time new technology enables new ways to work with peacebuilding and to bridge the online and the offline. How are we to work with this – in our programme work in the nexus between development, humanitarian and peacebuilding?

Welcome! Through funds from Global Focus the Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding is – this one time – able to offer this training for free for a limited number of participants. The training is intended for people in organisations working with peacebuilding and technology – or with an interest in doing so.

As a participant you will:
• Get new knowledge about the current and upcoming correlations between technology, the digital realm and conflict – by experts and practitioners in the field
• Learn about and apply design principles and innovative approaches to peacebuilding – directly useful as components and approaches in the programme work in your organisation
• Discuss good innovative cases and get inspiration for your (nexus) programme work on how to work with peacebuilding in a digital age

The training will cover the following:
• Frameworks for understanding the two-way relationship between technology and conflict
• Innovative approaches to peacebuilding
• Design principles: best practices and common pitfalls in approaches


Claudia Meier, Claudia Meier, Europe Lead at Build Up – accompanying teams and organizations worldwide to use innovation in their peacebuilding work, and to transform (digital) conflict in a participatory way, Germany
Omar Meksassi, Project Manager and an experienced PeaceTech expert and practitioner at Danmission’s MENA Office, Lebanon

Build Up is a renowned global organisation working with and beside local organizations to identify and address emergent challenges to peace through interventions, research and training that combine peacebuilding best practices, participatory methodologies and digital technologies. Build Up holds space within the peacebuilding community for conversations and contributions to collectively learn how to build peace through action, reflection and iteration – and conduct research and provides policy recommendations – on using technology to build peace and how to address emergent challenges to peace in the digital age. See www.howtobuildup.org

The Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding advocates for addressing violent conflicts through conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The Network is a Global Focus network for Danish actors, primarily NGOs, but also public and private stakeholders, invested in humanitarian and development projects in the Global South. Its key purpose is to generate and share practical knowledge on peacebuilding and conflict preventive programming and facilitate capacity building among Danish actors. The Network intends to combine and build best practice from actors engaged in conflict-affected societies, that be in a thematic, strategic or pragmatic manner. See: www.globaltfokus.dk/arbejdsgrupper/netvaerk-for-konfliktforebyggelse-og-fredsopbygning

Register here (click on link) no later than October 11. There is a limited number of seats available. Confirmation will be sent shortly after the deadline October 11

Practicalities: In person 2-day training Thursday October 27 from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm and Friday October 28 from 9.30 am to 3 pm, 2022. Venue: Global Focus, Rysensteensgade 3, 1564 Copenhagen V, Denmark.

For questions please contact Andreas Dybkjær-Andersson [email protected] or Julianne Sloth Bach [email protected] / phone +45 41 999 319