Tid: 26/10/2022 14:30 til 26/10/2022 16:00

Sted: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, Auditoriet, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København Ø

Arrangør: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier

Development challenges in a changing climate

Link til eventside.

As climate change intensifies, development efforts in many countries are facing new challenges. This seminar puts a spotlight on DIIS’ research delving into development challenges amidst a climate change across the globe: from adaptation in authoritarian contexts, to efforts to secure development amid climate change and conflict, to the dilemmas of the green transition, this seminar will take you through DIIS’ latest research in China, Myanmar and South Africa and shed light on overarching challenges of development as the climate changes.

This seminar is part of the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU) Travelling Seminar series, which presents current research from various development research environments in Denmark.

Lily Salloum Lindegaard, Senior Researcher, DIIS
Lily Lindegaard is a Senior Researcher at DIIS working with development and climate change in the Global South. Lily will be chairing the seminar.

Boukje Boestra, PhD Candidate, DIIS
Boukje is a PhD Candidate working on the politics of adaptation efforts in China. Based on her research, she will reflect on climate change adaptation efforts in authoritarian contexts.

Myat Thet Thitsar, Analyst, DIIS
Myat That is an Analyst at DIIS working with justice, political economy analysis, local governance and peace process in Myanmar. She will shed light on development challenges in a context of climate change and conflict.

Mikkel Funder, Senior Researcher, DIIS
Mikkel Funder is a Senior Researcher at DIIS working with sustainable development, with a focus on climate change and environmental governance in the Global South. He will discuss the role of development practitioners on the ground in green transitions.

14.30-14.35 Introduction, Lily Salloum Lindegaard
14.35-14.50 Adapting to Climate Change in Authoritarian Contexts, Boukje Boestra
14.50-15.05 Development amidst Climate Change and Conflict, Myat Thet Thitsar
15.05-15.20 Practitioners at the frontline: Dilemmas and agency in green transitions, Mikkel Funder
15.20-16.00 Q&A

Practical information
The seminar will be in English. Physical participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use our online registration form.

Livestreaming is possible but you have to sign up for this. DIIS Conference will provide a link to the livestreaming approx. 1 hour before start to those of you, who have signed up for the livestreaming.