Asien i dybden: Når stærke mænd siger nej

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In Focus: Powerful men who like the word “no”

In this week’s In Focus blog, Anya Palm, Danish free lance journalist living in Thailand and specializing in human rights issues, writes about the unknown consequences of powerful authoritarian governments saying no to anything they fear or do not understand.

In the In Focus section of the AsiaPortal we address an up-to-date topic and ask a Nordic expert in this area to write a short opinion in an attached blog. We warmly welcome researchers, students, experts and others interested in the topic to give their comments in the blog.

We would also like to form a network of people who would be interested in participating with opinions in future In Focus themes. Anyone interested can contact us on [email protected]
Nordic focus on Asia …

Nordic research training on Asia …

Inga-Lill Blomkvist, Librarian & webmaster
NIAS Library & Information Centre
NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Leifsgade 33, 2, 2300 Kbn S
E-mail: [email protected] og tlf. 35 32 95 12 –