Carlsberg overtager bryggeri i Nepal

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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I hvad der betegnes som den største virksomhedshandel i Nepals historie har Carlsberg købt majoriteten i det nepalesiske bryggeri, Gorkha Brewery, for 3 milliarder nepalesiske rupees (ca. 220 mio. kr.), skriver Berlingske Tidende fredag.

Carlsberg ejede i forvejen halvdelen af aktierne.

Nyhedsbureauet Nepalnews, som er kilde til nyheden, skriver:

Khetan Group has sold the majority of its stake in Gorkha Brewery Limited to Carlsberg Singapore.

Khetan Group, which is one of the leading Nepali companies, sold its 4/5th of its 50 percent stake in Gorkha Brewery for 40 million US dollar (around Rs 3 billion) in what is the largest sale of stakes by a Nepali company to a foreign partner (hvorefter Carls-berg ejer 90 pct. af aktierne, red.).

The deal was agreed after five months of discussion, Rajendra Khetan, chairman of Khetan Group told Kantipur Daily. The deal is also the biggest ever corporate acquisitions in Nepal’s corporate history.

Gorkha Brewery is one of the leading manufacturing companies of various brands of beers and other liquor products and has been enjoying a virtual monopoly in the beer market.

The company had paid Rs. 3.09 billion tax to the state in fiscal year 2009-10 and was listed as one of the top ten tax payers of the country that year. It has also won the best company award in 2010.

The company has been producing beers like Carlsberg, Tuborg, San Miguel, Royal Danish Tuborg Strong and Gorkha.
