Disney dropper ødelæggelse af regnskoven i Indonesien

Forfatter billede

Efter kritik fra flere miljøorganisationer har Disney nu valgt at droppe samarbejdet med leverandører, der er berygtede for afskovning af den indonesiske regnskov. Disneys børnebøger vil nu blive trykt på miljøvenligt papir.

SAN FRANSISCO, October 11, 2012: October 11, 2012 marks a victory for Indonesia’s rainforests and endangered forests around the globe, writes Rainforest Action Network Thursday.

Disney has announced a comprehensive paper policy that maximizes its use of environmentally superior papers like recycled and eliminates controversial sources like those connected to Indonesian rainforest destruction. This policy applies to the company’s entire international operations, including thousands of licensees of Disney characters.

Disney’s policy and Indonesia’s rainforests

Indonesia’s rainforests are being destroyed at an estimated rate of 2.5 million acres each year. On Sumatra, an Indonesian island bigger than the state of California, two paper giants – Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) and Asia Pacific Resources International (APRIL) – are responsible for the lion’s share of this rainforest destruction. While only about 400 Critically Endangered Sumatran tigers remain in the wild, APP and APRIL continue to destroy their remaining rainforest habitat for throwaway paper products.

Disney’s policy makes clear that rainforests are more valuable left standing than pulped for paper. This policy adds Disney to a growing list of companies that are turning away from deforestation in their supply chains and sending strong signals to APP, APRIL and others in the pulp and paper industry that they must institute major reforms that protect forests and address social conflict and human rights violations. Disney’s commitment will reduce the demand for paper made at the expense of rainforests while creating incentives for improved forest management and green growth.

The power of market pressure

In 2010, RAN engaged Disney along with the other top ten U.S. children’s book publishers, inspiring and pressuring them to eliminate rainforest destruction from the paper they used. By November 2010, eight publishers had committed to eliminate controversial Indonesian fiber from their supply chains. Disney and Harper Collins, however, had not.

Læs mere her: http://www.ran.org/disney-and-ran-agree-historic-commitment-indonesia%E2%80%99s-forests

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