Disse klimaemner skal verdens ledere diskutere fra mandag

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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World Ressource Institute har lavet en liste over de vigtigste emner for klimaforhandlingerne på COP18, der indledes mandag i Doha. Forhandlingerne vil vise den genvalgte Obama og den nye kinesiske ledelses ambitioner. Desuden vil fattige og riges lande forpligtelser igen være et stort emne.

Det forudsiger instituttet på sin hjemmeside mandag.

As the UN climate change conference in Doha, Qatar (COP 18) rapidly approaches, the urgency of climate action has never been more evident, Wolrd Resource Institute writes on its homepage Monday.

Extreme weather has wreaked havoc in many corners of the globe, most recently with Hurricane Sandy, which resulted in loss of life and severe economic hardship in all the countries in its pathway.

Many countries—from the United States to those with far less capacity to respond—are still trying to comprehend what happened and how much it will cost to get back to normal.

They also understand that this just may be, to quote New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, “the new normal.”

The World Bank Group has just released a shocking report of what a world that is 4 degrees Celsius warmer would look like.

We must hope that when delegates arrive in Doha, they grasp the urgency of this issue, recognize the immediate and far-reaching threat to human security, and summon the necessary political will to craft an ambitious and equitable global response.

Hvad kan vi forvente i år, når verden mødes til COP 18?

Last year’s meeting in Durban, South Africa was a potentially important turning point, launching a new round of negotiations to create a legally binding international agreement by 2015 to limit global average temperature increase to 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels.

However, after three consecutive years of rather “big moment” COPs, Doha is more about giving operational momentum to the decisions reached in Durban.

COP 18 will likely confirm the design of a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol, bring some long-standing work streams to a successful close, and set the parameters for the negotiations leading to a new international climate agreement in 2015.

Hvad bliver diskuteret og færdiggjort i år?

Ambition: How much more ambition will countries be able to muster? The Durban Platform created a “pre-2020” work plan to raise the level of ambition, noting the existing gap between what emissions reductions have been pledged and what’s actually required to meet the 2-degree target.

Beyond countries committing to increase the ambition level in their current pledges, this could include new pledges from countries that have yet to commit, such as the host country and others in the region; an agreement for strong rules on accounting and the carbon market to avoid double-counting; and groups of countries committing to go further faster.

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Klimakonferencen COP18 i Doha i Qatar løber 26. nov. til 7. dec. – mere på http://unfccc.int/meetings/doha_nov_2012/meeting/6815.php
og http://www.cop18.qa