Endnu en blodig dag ved den mexikanske grænse

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At least 15 people have been killed in a single day of violence in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican city bordering the United Sates, the Mexican authorities have said, according to Aljazeera.net Monday.

Arturo Sandoval, the state prosecutor’s spokesman, said a seven-year-old boy was traveling with his father in a truck when armed men opened fire on Friday killing them both.

Three women were also shot dead in two other separate incidents, he said.

Elsewhere in the city, Professor Jose Alfonso Martinez, a member of the Social Sciences Institute of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, was shot in front of his wife in an attack by at least four men in a residential area.

Mexico has strict gun-control laws, prohibiting the purchase of assault rifles and requiring gun purchases to be registered with the government.

But gun-control advocates say the US plays a large role in gun violence as 90 per cent of the weapons confiscated in Mexico have been either purchased in the US or smuggled in from there.