Flere NGO’er begræder Brexit

Thomas Jazrawi

Torsdag valgte et flertal på knap 52% af briterne at forlade EU. Mange NGO’er er kede af beslutningen. 

Her følger en række kommentarer fra civilsamfundet: 


“On behalf of CONCORD, we want to express our regret and sadness at the decision of the UK to leave the European Union. 

Nevertheless the decision was clear and should be respected. The campaign and debate in the UK played to people’s fears, not their hopes and aspirations.  For many of us in the rest of Europe it seemed divisive and inward looking.  The result seems to show generational, regional and other divisions in society. 

This outcome will be particularly tough on our friends and colleagues in the UK who fought so hard to keep their country in the EU, who argued for working together for a better Europe and through it, for a fairer world. We want to reassure them of our continued support and solidarity.”


Green Alliance

“Our membership of the EU has had a hugely positive effect on the quality of our beaches, our water and rivers, our air and many of our rarest birds, plants and animals and their habitats.
Green Alliance is encouraging debate around the risks to the UK environment of Brexit and believes that, to pursue stronger environmental policy and performance, we should remain a member of the EU.”


Friends of the Earth England, Northern Ireland and Wales

“Our priority will be to ensure that every MP understands loud and clear that the referendum result was not a mandate to weaken our environmental protection.

During the referendum campaign we made the environmental case for staying in the EU.

Alongside other green groups it was our view that it is better to work together to tackle shared problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss and air pollution.

We provided evidence to show that it was the EU that cleaned up our drinking water, our beaches and meant that the UK could no longer be called 'the dirty man of Europe' (pdf).

Sadly environmental issues didn't really get a look-in during the referendum campaign – despite the fact that the state of our environment has a real impact on people's health and quality of life.”

Greenpeace UK

“There is a very real fear that Cameron’s successor will come from the school that supports a bonfire of anti-pollution protections. The climate change-denying wing of the Conservative Party will be strengthened by this vote for Brexit. That means the green movement, indeed every Briton who values a clean and safe environment, may need to stand up for nature in the face of an attack on the natural world.

“The environment barely featured in this campaign. Whoever comes to occupy Downing Street does not have a mandate to gut the environmental laws that we all rely on to protect us from pollution.”

Den store britiske udviklingssammenslutning BOND har lavet et samsurium af reaktioner fra civilsamfundet, hvor der også er tilhængere af Brexit. Se listen her:
