FN hædrer Grundfos med fornem klimapris

Grundfos’ bæredygtige vandforsyning, Lifelink, hædres sammen med 15 andre initiativer.
Laurits Holdt

Grundfos bliver under klimatopmødet i Paris fremhævet som en innovativ virksomhed, der er med til at afbøde de udfordringer, klimaforandringerne skaber, skriver den danske koncern i en pressemeddelelse torsdag.

Grundfos’ bæredygtige vandforsyning, Lifelink, hædres sammen med 15 andre initiativer. Koncernen fik en af seks priser i kategorien ”Information and Communication Technologies” for at anvende teknologi i sin tilgang til bæredygtig (miljøskånsom) vandforsyning i Kenya og Uganda.

Se meget mere om Lifelink på http://unfccc.int/secretariat/momentum_for_change/items/9272.php

Pålidelig vandforsyning

Koncernchef i Grundfos, Mads Nipper, glæder sig over anerkendelsen:
"Prisen bekræfter os i, at det giver god mening at udtænke intelligente, bæredygtige, pålidelige og langtidsholdbare løsninger, der kan forbedre livskvaliteten for mennesker i udviklingslande ved at sikre dem rent vand til en overkommelig pris."

"Jeg forventer, at FN-prisen vil sikre Grundfos en endnu stærkere position over for politikere, investorer og vandforsyningsselskaber i bestræbelserne på at give flere mennesker lettere adgang til rent drikkevand", siger Mads Nipper.

Bæredygtige vandforsyninger, baseret på solenergi, er en voksende del af Grundfos-forretningen, og senest er pumpeproducenten begyndt at producere to nye -produkter i Lifelink kategorien i Indien.

Det er AQtap, der leverer vand mod betaling og gør det muligt for vandselskabet at kontrollere prisen og sikre vedligehold af vandsystemet, og AQpure, som hurtigt og effektivt renser overfladevand og flodvand til drikkevandskvalitet, hedder det.

Udstilles i Paris

Grundfos og de andre prisbelønnede tiltag betegnes af FN som Lighthouse Activities, der relaterer sig til et af de fire Momentum for Change-fokusområder.

FN betragter dem som nogle af de mest praktiske og nemmest håndterlige eksempler på, hvad mennesker, virksomheder, regeringer og industrier gør for at tackle klimaforandringernes økonomiske, sociale og miljømæssige udfordringer.

Flere end 450 initiativer konkurrerede om FN-prisen. De 16, der fik den, bliver udstillet under topmødet.

FN-boss: Modige løsninger, der inspirerer

“These ‘Lighthouse Activities’ shine a light on the groundswell of climate action around the world,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Thursday, according to UN News.

“As the world moves toward a future built on low-emissions sustainable development, these bold ideas can inspire leaders to be more ambitious in their own policies and actions”, added Mr. Ban.

The Momentum for Change initiative is spearheaded by the UN Climate Change secretariat to shine a light on some of the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples of what people are doing to address climate change.

This year’s winning activities range from a seriously cool smartphone that puts social values first to an initiative that is enabling 40 Latin American cities to take concrete climate action.

“By showcasing these remarkable solutions and the people behind them we can strengthen efforts that must not only start with an agreement here in Paris but must continue to build, as we accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon, highly resilient development path,” said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres.

“Modern clean technologies have transformed the expensive problem of climate change into a profitable opportunity,” noted Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse CEO and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, adding:

“A global economy that is powered by renewable energy, implements energy efficient and minimizes waste will not only tackle climate change, but will also generate health, job creation and profit in the communities where they take place.”

Each of the 16 winning activities touches on one of Momentum for Change’s four focus areas: Urban Poor, Women for Results, Financing for Climate Friendly Investment and ICT Solutions. All 16 were showcased at a series of special events during the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France.

The 2015 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities are:

Urban Poor

  • E-waste: From Toxic to Green | India: Creating jobs to keep e-waste out of landfills
  • Solvatten Solar Safe Water Heater | Kenya: Reducing emissions while securing access to safe drinking water
  • Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative | Latin America & the Caribbean: Supporting sustainable growth in emerging cities

Women for Results

  • Fostering Cleaner Production | Colombia: Reducing emissions in manufacturing
  • Harvesting Geothermal Energy | El Salvador: Generating income with geothermal waste-heat
  • Planting Trees to Save the Mangrove | Guinea: Establishing women-led groups that protect forests and generate income
  • SELF’s Solar Market Gardens | Benin: Empowering women farmers through solar drip irrigation

Financing for Climate Friendly Investment

  • Azuri PayGo Energy | Africa: Innovating pay-as-you-go energy systems for rural homes
  • Deforestation-free Cocoa | Peru: Using a carbon-asset-backed loan to protect forests and produce cocoa
  • Microsoft Global Carbon Fee | Global: Transforming corporate culture by putting a price on carbon

ICT Solutions

  • ChargePoint Electric Vehicle Charging Corridors | United States of America: Building a network of electric vehicle express charging stations
  • Enabling Farmers to Adapt to Climate Change | Uganda: Using ICT solutions to build resilience
  • Fairphone | The Netherlands: Producing a phone that improves lives and the environment
  • Lifelink Water Solutions | Kenya and Uganda: Using ICT tools to provide safe, sustainable and affordable water
  • Mapping Exposure to Sea Level Rise | Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea: Preparing for risk with online spatial tools
  • Mobisol Smart Solar Homes | Rwanda and Tanzania: Powering homes with solar energy

The 2015 Lighthouse Activities were selected by an international advisory panel as part of the secretariat’s Momentum for Change initiative, which is implemented with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation, and operates in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative.

“The 2015 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities comprise an impressive range of projects and personal stories that touch on sustainability, climate protection, environmental consciousness and social responsibility,” said Teresa Ribera Rodriguez, Chair of the Momentum for Change Advisory Panel.

Se mere, herunder links, på http://newsroom.unfccc.int/unfccc-newsroom/2015-winners-of-un-climate-solutions-awards-f%C3%AAted-in-paris