FN’s klimachef: Klimaudfordring kræver “dybe forandringer af vores samfund”

Thomas Jazrawi

Patricia Espinosa, lederen af FN's klimasekretariat mener, at vi må tage et skridt videre fra vedtagelsen af de internationale aftaler om bæredygtig udvikling til dybdegående transformationer af vores samfund. 

Det nævnte hun i en tale holdt ved et sommerakademi i den tyske by Bonn. Det er her den næste store FN-konference om klimaet bliver afholdt i oktober med Fiji som præsident. 

Her er udpluk fra talen: 

Multiple sources of concern

"We live in a moment of multiple sources of concern for humanity.

Peace and security seem out of reach due to instability around the world.

We see worrying trends like population growth, food and water scarcity and chaotic urbanization. We see threats from climate change impacts in both the developed and developing worlds.

And there are mounting development concerns and challenges as we look to what the future holds.

It is unacceptable that today – in 2017 – we still face this reality.

In a world that is increasingly smaller and more connected, where science, technology and innovation are part of our daily lives, multilateralism and human resolve are being tested".

We have the tools

"The very good news is that we have the tools, the framework and the institutions to move forward:

We have unprecedented agreement to move towards resilient and sustainable development powered by low-emission energy. We have unprecedented consensus on the path forward. And we have unprecedented political will to move forward together.

We have a framework for action – in the United Nations and multilateral institutions, and in each country’s national contribution to the Paris Agreement.

We have modern negotiated instruments – in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, among others.

We have a path forward – towards sustainable development that is good for the planet and for the wellbeing of every woman, man and child. And towards a world where average global temperature rise is held to as close to 1.5 degrees as possible".

Derep transformation of societies

This path implies a deep transformation of societies, of how we grow and develop.

Climate change action is central to achieving this deep transformation and for getting on this path right now.

Climate change is Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals, but as we look across all of the sustainable development goals, it is quite evident that climate action contributes to the success of the 17 goals altogether.

Look at Goal Number One – the goal to end poverty – and also Goal Eight related to decent work and economic opportunity.

Adapting to the impacts of climate change can help families and communities protect their livelihoods. Climate action also offers a path towards good jobs in the green economy, a fact that is underscored by the millions of new clean energy jobs worldwide.

Speaking of renewable energy, it is the critical path to affordable and clean energy for all – Goal Seven of the SDGs.

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