Efter mere end 25 år i større virksomheder som alt fra økonomidirektør til admin. direktør blev fødselaren aktiv investor – og bestyrelsesformand.
Som han selv siger: "12 bestyrelser – formand for halvdelen, medejer af halvdelen og halvdelen indenfor vedvarende energi".
I et internationalt perspektiv fylder Torben Bjerre-Madsens engagement for at ophjælpe fattige kvinder i Nepal til et bedre liv, ganske meget.
Han har siden januar 2014 været formand i WAWCAS, en NGO, der hjælper fattige kvinder i Himalaya-landet med at åbne egen virksomhed og sikre deres børns skolegang.
Nepal har gennem årene modtaget omfattende dansk udviklingsbistand via Danida, men stryges nu som prioritetsland for de danske statslige u-landsmidler. Så er det godt, NGOer som WAWCAS bliver.
Fra WAWCAS hjemmeside:
In 2002 two women from different parts of the world coincidently met in Nepal. Nina Schriver from Denmark, and Sangeeta Shrestha from Nepal.
They shared a common vision of helping women living in poverty in Nepal to become independent and able to build a life in dignity with a better future for their children. By sharing this idea Nina Schriver and Sangeeta Shrestha in 2008 started WAWCAS as the basis for a passionate journey together.
Based on strong core values and thorough research they have developed a 16 months training program that helps disadvantaged and underprivileged women to develop a dignified life as entrepreneurs with their own businesses.
With this as the foundation for their income, the women grow as individuals, secure schooling for their children and improve their daily living conditions in general.
Today they have empowered more than 2.000 women and their families from the poorest parts of Nepal to overcome poverty.
The WAWCAS program continue developing and involving new women within the program. WAWCAS as an organisation is growing year by year to improve and professionalise the scope of the initiative.