Højteknologisk armbånd skal beskytte hjælpearbejdere

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Hvis det står til en svensk kampagnegruppe vil nødhjælps- og bistandsfolk i u-landene snart kunne nyde godt af opfindelsen og være mindre udsatte for at blive kidnappet eller dræbt – det samme gælder menneskeretsforkæmpere.

When triggered, the personal alarm in the bracelet uses phone and satelite-navigation technology to warn that its wearer is in danger, writes BBC online Friday.

Warnings are sent in the form of messages to Facebook and Twitter to rally support and ensure people do not disappear without trace.

The first bracelets are being given out this week and funding is being sought to make many more.

The bracelets have been developed by the Civil Rights Defenders campaign group in a bid to help workers in war zones and other areas of conflict (se mere neden for).

The chunky (kraftige) bracelet has mobile phone technology buried within it that can send prepared messages when the gadget (apparatet) is triggered.

Alerts can be sent manually by rights workers if they feel under threat or are triggered automatically if the bracelet is forcefully removed. The alarm sends out information about its owner and where they were when they were attacked.

Civil Rights Defenders wants people to sign up to monitor the bracelets of individual rights workers via social media.

In total, 55 bracelets will be given out by the end of 2014.

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