Hosni Mubarak i retten

Forfatter billede

Egyptens tidligere præsident Hosni Mubarak mødte onsdag op i retten liggende på en båre. Han er tiltalt for korruption og mord på demonstranter, skriver den arabiske nyhedstjeneste al Jazeera onsdag.

There were scuffles between pro- and anti-Mubarak protesters before the trial at the police academy.

Mubarak was flown to Cairo for the trial on Wednesday from Sharm el-Sheikh, the Red Sea resort where he has lived since his removal from power. He arrived at the court in an ambulance and was taken into the defendant’s cage on a hospital stretcher.

Wednesday marks his first public appearance since he was toppled in the popular uprising on February 11. The former president’s trial, in a temporary court at the police academy in Cairo, is being screened live on Egyptian state television.

More than 800 people were killed and about 6.000 wounded in the 18 days of protests that eventually toppled Mubarak’s regime.

Outside the court site on Wednesday, a screen was erected to show the trial.