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Ole Reitov

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Forfatter billede


Reitov, der var radiovært i en stribe sammenhænge på Danmarks Radio i 31 år (1972-2003), er uddannet mediearbejder med musik som speciale.

Siden 2000 har den haft verdenssekretariat i København, først på Nytorv i indre by, siden i Jemtelandsgade på Amagerbro.

Og siden 2011 har den udvidet sit mandat til at være global vagthund ikke bare for musikudøvere, men også mod censur eller knægtelse af ethvert andet kunstnerisk udtryk.

Det er der god brug for. Kunstnerisk frihed er tit noget af det første, der trædes under fode af undertrykkende regimer verden over.

Ole Reitov skriver i en mail til FREEMUSEs venner, at

What former Executive Director Marie Korpe (June 2000 to Octioer 2013) and the Freemuse staff developed from 1999-2014 I have tried to sustain and develop with my great colleagues. Freemuse is in a healthy financial situation and the staff is young, but experienced.

Freemuse is entering into a very interesting phase. We have a funded work plan for 2016-2018 and we are working with an amazing network of artists, organisations, experts, activists, diplomats etc.

This is our transition plan:

The deadline for the position is end of September and we hope to have identified the best candidates before the end of October.

We expect to welcome the new Executive Director in February or March 2017. I will work with my successor in a transitional period during the springtime and will continue to be available as advisor to Freemuse.

se opslaget her

Reitov har publiceret artikler om bl.a. verdensmusik, indisk kultur, pakistansk politik,kulturel mangfoldighed og musikcensur. Har forelæst i Beijing, New Delhi, Johannesburg og Rio de Janeiro. Arbejdet som rådgiver for bl.a UNESCO, Sida, DaniCom og Center for Kultur og Udvikling (CKU).

Marie Korpe er en svensk radiojournalist. FREEMUSE ligger inde med verdens største database over musikcensur.



Freemuse is governed by its charter and has a membership elected international, interdisciplinary Executive Committee.


The alarmingly widespread nature of censorship of music prompted the conference attendees to initiate the creation of a new organisation, Freemuse. Its guidelines are the principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as they apply specifically to musicians and composers. The Freemuse Secretariat was established in August 2000.


Since 2011 FREEMUSE has broadened its scope to include projects advocating freedom of all artistic expressions and initiated the global network artsfex for the protection of artistic freedom. During 2013-2014 Freemuse will be involved in several projects analysing and defending artistic freedom of expression.


Freemuse receives funding from Sida, The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fritt Ord and CKU.

Redaktionel tilføjelse: Kun ved stiftelsen i 1999 og opstarten støttede Danida med midler, men har siden ikke lagt en krone i kassen til driften. FREEMUSE har således overlevet via især norsk og svensk statslig som privat støtte.

Over the years Freemuse has received funding from amongst others: The Sigrid Rausing Trust, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Roskilde Festival Charity Society, Swedish Postcode Lottery Culture Foundation, SafeMuse, Björn Afzelius International Culture Foundation (BAIK), Swedish Special Initiative for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Jemtelandsgade 1

DK-2300 Copenhagen S


Tel: +45 3332 1027

CONTACT: [email protected]