International konference om jordreformer i marts i Brasilien


FAO and Brazil prepare an International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from Tuesday 7 March to Friday 10 March.

The UN Food and Agriculture agency (FAO) and the Government of Brazil want the conference to review agrarian reform and rural development issues worldwide and to identify sustainable rural development options that can contribute to the reduction of hunger and rural poverty.

The Conference is organised around a limited number of thematic axes which re-explore the classic issues in land tenure studies in the light of recent evolutions and increased knowledge.

Although the final agenda of the Conference is still in the process of being finalized through a participative process, the following relevant themes will be touched by ICARRD:

1. Gender dimension

2. Access to water, land and genetic resources

3. The condition of agricultural wage-workers

4. Family Farms

5. Nomadic and sedentary groups

6. Indigenous people and ethnic minorities

7. The use of ceiling legislation for land holdings

8. Urban and peri-urban land

9. Systems for basic information on land tenure in different countries

10. Environmental rights

11. Relationship between food security and tenure security

12. Territorial development (with special reference to access to land and public-private partnership)

13. The cultural and bio-diversity dimensions of agrarian systems, and

14. The role of the State and the market in agrarian reform.

Through a newsletter the ICARRD Secretariat will keep you informed on the preparations and progress of the Conference.

At – the official site of the Conference – you can find additional useful information on:

– how to participate, registration and accommodation.
– the agenda of the conference
– a wide assortment of Information Resources for media professionals, including a Photo Gallery, a Newsroom, a selection of audio clips and a news clipping section showing ICARRD media coverage up to present.
– ICARRD-related events around the world
– ICARRD documents, including Minutes of the Steering Committee, National Reports, Issue Papers, Case Studies

For queries and media arrangements, please contact us at the following e-mail/ phones:

[email protected]
phone: 0039 06 57053963
mobile: 0039 348 8704641

[email protected]
phone: 0039 06 57055899
mobile: 0039 348 5589105

Upcoming Events & Meetings

20 – 22 February, Lima, Peru
Andean Forum, organized by: ILC, CEPES, CONVEAGRO and ALOP, with the support of Oxfam International, IFAD and ICCO.
Program available: doc . Write us an email for further information on the Forum.